Cold Weather Tips
- Set water heater to 120 degrees
- Turn down your thermostat and bundle up
- Set your ceiling fan blades to spin clockwise
- Check and repair air leaks in your external doors, windows, and attic
- Close doors and vents in unused rooms to avoid heating unused areas
- If possible, manage your heater with a smart thermostat
- Locate your hand cut-off valve, usually located approximately two feet from your water meter, in case you need to cut off your water during a freeze event
You can monitor your energy and water use with your LUS online account.

- Wrap exposed pipes outside and underneath your home (if above ground) with insulation
- Cover outdoor faucets
- Disconnect and drain any outside water hoses
- If you will be away from home, it is suggested to turn off water at the hand cut-off valve, which is normally located 2 feet from your water meter, and drain pipes
- If you have a pool, make sure your main pool pump is running 24/7 to prevent pipes from freezing
- Protect water pipes that run through the attic
- Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet floors under sinks, especially if along an outside wall, to allow heat to circulate around uninsulated pipes
- Maintain a home temperature of no lower than 55 degrees
- LUS asks that you not drip/run your faucets as it can affect water pressure system wide
After the Freeze:
- Do not attempt to thaw pipes with a torch or flame
- Thaw pipes with heat from a hair dryer or hot water
- Inspect pipes after thawing for any leaks
- Be on the lookout for water in unexpected areas, as this may indicate a leak or busted pipe
- Monitor your home’s usage after the freeze for the next five (5) days with your LUS online account
You can access your LUS online account at