Wrap exposed pipes outside and underneath your home (if above ground) with insulation
Cover outdoor faucets
Disconnect and drain any outside water hoses
If you will be away from home, it is suggested to turn off water at the hand cut-off valve, which is normally located 2 feet from your water meter, and drain pipes
If you have a pool, make sure your main pool pump is running 24/7 to prevent pipes from freezing
Protect water pipes that run through the attic
Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors under sinks, especially if along an outside wall, to allow heat to circulate around uninsulated pipes
Maintain a home temperature of no lower than 55 degrees
LUS asks that you not drip/run water from your faucets as it can affect water pressure system wide
After the Freeze
Do not attempt to thaw pipes with a torch or flame
Thaw pipes with heat from a hair dryer or hot water
Inspect pipes after thawing for any leaks
Be on the lookout for water in unexpected areas, as this may indicate a leak or busted pipe
Monitor your home’s usage after the freeze for the next five (5) days with your LUS online account at http://www.lus.org/MyAccount